Kid Robot is a streetwear brand by a man named Paul Budnitz (also Mr. Budnitz uses MAC too YAY! :) ) that offers a very unique style of clothes, jewelry, and purses. How did I first hear about this brand? Well a hip hop artist named Lupe Fiasco has been seen wearing the brand & even has rapped about kid robot toys, so it sparked my interest. Also many of the Kid Robot toys, clothes, and accessories are so rare and collectible that its sometimes very hard to find so once they are sold out of an item, it's gone forever. So these items are highly valuable. Some toys are even priced at $500 or more. For an example the Rainbowsaurus in the 6th picture from the top, cost $500 to buy, and there were only 20 of those made worldwide & currently they have already sold out. you should check this brand out. VISIT KID ROBOT.COM!
Also Kid Robot is Hiring!!!They are looking for a Wholesale Sales Rep and a Assistant to the President and Creative Director. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO ABOUT JOBS AT KIDROBOT
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